8 Things to Remember When Flying with Your Pet

Flying can be stressful for people at the best of times, but if we get scared when we’re flying, we at least have the ability to talk ourselves through it. It’s much more difficult for animals. Travel requires more planning if your furry friend will be accompanying you, so keep the following tips in mind:
Research your destination
While traveling with pets is becoming increasingly common, there are still plenty of countries that will only accept your pet if they fit the criteria – and even then, they may have to spend time in quarantine. Avoid any last-minute delays by ensuring that your pet will be allowed to join you on your trip.
Choose pet-friendly locations in advance
Perhaps you haven’t yet planned your destination and just know that you want your pet to come along with you. Why not choose a place to visit based on how convenient it will be for both of you? You might also like to make an itinerary full of local activities and public areas that welcome pets. This way, you’ll always have something to do together. Your pet isn’t going to have much fun if they’re stuck in a hotel room all day!
Bring your pet’s records
Even if you know that your pet will be granted access to your destination, it’s worth bringing their records, including a list of their vaccinations. You never know where you might be asked for them on your trip, and you don’t want to be caught out.
Make sure your pet is comfortable
Comfort while flying is important for both humans and animals. You’ll likely have to keep your pet in a carrier while you fly, but there’s no reason they can’t be cosy; try lining it with soft blankets and maybe a cushion so they’ll be able to sleep. Your pet will also feel a lot more relaxed if they’re reminded of home. Bring their favorite blanket or soft toy to put in their carrier for reassurance. Just ensure that it’s soft and that it doesn’t have sharp edges, in case you encounter turbulence.
Bring a selection of food for your pet
If your pet is nervous during your travels they might not appear hungry, or indeed may find it difficult to eat at all. Bring a selection of different foods for your pet in case they’re unwilling to eat their usual fare.
Make sure your pet has a collar with a name-tag
Visiting new places will be exciting for your pet; but with excitement often comes unwillingness to stay put, especially in the case of curious dogs. Make sure your pet is identifiable; you might even like to have them microchipped before you leave, just in case.
Bring a first aid kit
Hopefully, your pet won’t get into any scrapes on your trip, but it’s always best to be prepared. You can purchase a first aid kit or make your own: stock it with the essentials, including but by no means limited to self-cling bandages, antiseptic wipes, blunt scissors, tweezers, and disposable gloves.
Consider medication
It’s always a good idea to visit your vet before you set off to ask what they can prescribe or offer your pet. If your pet is always a little nervous, flying can be stressful or even harmful to their health. So, it might be worth sedating them. Your vet will be able to advise you on the best way to handle their travel needs.
Remember that flying is likely to be scary and upsetting for your pet, so if there’s an alternative, you might like to take it. If you do decide to fly with your pet, plan and prepare well, and the experience will run much more smoothly for you both.
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