Creating a Do It Yourself Doggie Herb Garden

Pet owners want their pets to spend time outdoors and explore nature in the backyard—but their gardens might not be ready for them. Dogs can be very curious when it comes to eating, smelling or licking plants they find outside. While some herbs and plants are healthy for dogs, others can cause serious illness–and even death. Thus, it’s worth the time to consider what herbs are safe for dogs out in the garden.
Basil is known for its antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties, all of which can help dogs with bowel issues. Also, basil can help alleviate effects of arthritis in dogs and help to reduce stress and anxiety.
Peppermint’s strong aroma has many health benefits for dogs. This herb can help soothe upset stomachs, reduce gas and nausea, and help reduce travel sickness. But be careful, because too much of this herb can cause liver and kidney problems.

Parsley has many antioxidants and nutrients for dogs and can act as a breath freshener. However, be aware of spring parsley, a member of the carrot family that resembles parsley, because spring parsley is toxic to dogs and can cause ocular toxicity.
While these herbs are doogie-friendly, check the quantity that you are giving your pet. Use these herbs fresh or dried by adding a pinch for small dogs and a teaspoon for large dogs to their food to help boost their immune system and increase nutrients.
Now that your pets have the perfect ingredients for their own doogie garden, lets see what plants and herbs should be excluded to keep your furry loved ones safe.
Daisies are very common in backyards, but can be very toxic to pets who ingest them. This flower can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hyper-salivation and dermatitis.

Tomato plants
Tomato plants are great to harvest ripe tomatoes, which are a nutritious snack for your dog, but the green steam and leafs are toxic. Those parts of the plant can cause tomatine poisoning to your pet. The symptoms include gastrointestinal upset, a slow heart rate and hyper-salivation.
Chives are great to use in the kitchen, but they are toxic for your beloved pets. This herb can cause serious toxic reactions, such as vomiting, blood in urine, high heart rate and panting.
If you believe that your pet has ingested a plant that could potentially be toxic, or starts to show these symptoms, they should be taken to a local veterinarian immediately.
Now that you have all the ingredients to make a great doggie friendly garden, take some time to enjoy this safe space with your pets and explore the great outdoors without worry.
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