How to Prepare Your Dog for the Beach

Dogs love the surf and sand as much as we do! If you plan on bringing your pup to the beach, there are a few things you need to know. First, research the beach you plan on going to to make sure it is dog-friendly. Most beaches only allow dogs in the morning or the evening hours. These times are best for dogs because the sun’s rays aren’t as strong.
You also need to remember specific items to stash in your beach bag! Read on for must-have items for your favorite furry friend at the beach.
Water/Water dish
This may be obvious, but dogs need to stay hydrated! Be sure to bring a dish so that your dog can actually drink the water you bring. Make sure to refill the bowl with cool water often and make sure the water doesn’t get hot in the sun. We recommend bringing a metal water bottle pre-filled with cold water from home. Don’t rely on the ocean to hydrate your dog — saltwater can cause dehydration and diarrhea.
This bowl is specifically designed for traveling with dogs — it carries your phone, dog treats and a water bottle, plus offers add-ons for a keychain and waste bag holder.
Dog Treats
Dog treats are a great way to reward your pup for being a good listener. Don’t forget to pack beach treats for yourself, too! Or, pack snacks both you and your pup can enjoy, such as carrots or apple slices.
Too much sun can be harmful for dogs, just like it is for humans. Bring an umbrella if you are planning to stay at the beach for a long period of time or if you are planning to be at the beach when the sun’s rays are strongest, which is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
ID Tag/Collar
You probably already have one on your dog’s collar, but bring a backup tag just in case the original tag falls into the water or gets lost in the sand. If your dog runs away, you have a better chance of finding him or her if there is a tag with your contact information on it.
A leash is very important if you plan on walking your dog on the beach. If you don’t have a leash, your dog could very well run away from you if he or she sees a seagull or another animal. Your dog may not need a leash at home, but the beach is an environment he or she might not be used to. Your dog may get overly excited at a new location, so having him or her on a leash is your best bet.
Be sure to bring a cotton long lead and not a retractable leash. A retractable leash could get twisted around your dog’s legs if he or she is in the water and it can cause an injury.
Life jacket
If your pup is a swimmer, invest in a life jacket. The website Chewy has plenty of options and sizes for dog life jackets. Be sure it fits correctly before you head off to the beach.
Beach Toys
A beach toy for a dog can be as simple as a tennis ball. You know what is best for your dog, so if you think a ball isn’t the best move for the beach, bring a stuffed toy or bone.
First Aid
Accidents happen. It’s better to be prepared than to not be prepared. Include non-adhesive bandages, gauze, cotton balls or swabs, antibiotic ointments, saline solution, ear cleaning solution and your pup’s health information in the kit.
Pet Sunscreen
Buy a sunscreen that is specifically for pets, such as the Epi-Pet Sun Protector Spray for Pets. Don’t use your sunscreen on your pooch. Zinc oxide is common in human sunscreen and it is toxic for dogs if they ingest it. It is better to be safe than sorry, so buy sunscreen specifically for pets. If you can’t find pet sunscreen, baby sunscreen can work as well. Put the sunscreen on the top of your dog’s nose, snout and ears. If your dog has short hair and is light colored, put it on his or her back as well so it doesn’t burn.
Dog Waste Bags
Always clean up after your dog. It’s common courtesy!
Bring multiple towels. Have a towel that is specifically for drying off and one that is for your dog to stand or lay on so he or she won’t burn on the hot sand. Bring extra towels for the ride home as well so your car won’t get sandy.
Have fun, and stay safe!
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