Keeping Your Dog Safe During The Summer

“The Heat is On” is not only a hit by Glenn Frey but an accurate description of summer 2022! On the first day of summer, almost 35 million people were under heat advisories in the US. In Paris, where I spent the month of June with my beloved KoKo, all-time heat records were broken. During the summer months, when temperatures are typically higher, I follow this rule: If I am hot, so is KoKo! Especially since she can’t dress for the weather like we humans can (that fur coat is year-round!). Despite it being so hot, we still had a fabulous time in Paris and were able to enjoy all the wonderful things I love to do in the city, including eating at outdoor cafes!
I want to share my favorite tips on how to keep your dog safe during the Dog Days of Summer!
Stay Hydrated
Before walking out the door with your dog, make sure you have cold water on hand. It’s even better if you can add ice cubes to it. Some dogs (usually big ones) can have it poured into their mouths, but if you have a small dog, don’t forget to bring a container for them to drink out of. In case you forget, don’t be afraid to ask someone for water for your dog. On one of the hottest days in Paris, everyone was so kind to KoKo and brought her water everywhere we went, one place bringing a container so large she could have bathed in!
Keep Cool
During the summer, move over man… air conditioning is a dog’s best friend! If you don’t have an air conditioner and you have a pet, it might be time to look into getting one! At the very least, keep fans going when you are home. When you are on the go, I recommend purchasing small, travel fans that are battery operated. A quick search online for “fans for baby strollers” and you will see you have lots of options to choose from. If it’s good enough for a baby, it will be good enough for a fur baby! Frozen water bottles can be used and pressed gently on the skin of your dog to bring down body temperatures when you are out, and then when the water melts, you can use it to keep your dog hydrated! At home, use wet washcloths and/or a cold shower (or hose!) to cool your dog down. There are also great products on the market to help cool dogs such as cooling collars and mats.
Seek Shade
When taking your dog for a walk, try to go in the early morning or late evening when the sun is less bright. Be mindful of how hot the pavement is and seek out grass for your strolls which Is much better for their paws! If where you are walking is not fully shaded, stop occasionally in a shaded spot for your dog to rest, drink water, and cool down (using some of the tips above!). Dogs enjoy being outside to stretch their legs, move around, enjoy all the smells, and engage in activity. It is important to continue to give them their outside time during the dog days of summer, but make sure you know what you need to do to keep them safe.
What are some of your favorite summertime tips for your dog? Share them below!
Gayle is the founder of The SHERPA Pet Trading Company, where she single-handedly designed, manufactured and marketed the iconic SHERPA Bag you see everywhere! This carrier, which millions have bought for their dogs, cats and other animal companions, continues to be THE top-selling, prize-winning, globally-popularly soft-sided pet carrier. Further, it is because of Gayle’s advocacy and entrepreneurship that pet travel on airlines is now possible and common. Gayle’s the author of “IT’S IN THE BAG”, which is part memoir and part business book
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